Dug this out from the archives. Yes, those are my boots.
Yes, I still have those boots.
Here's one of those aforementioned bleed-into-one-another type mixes. There's no unifying theme. There's no one event in my life that's dictating my song choices.
I'm a navel gazer by nature. I like to think it's more that I'm introspective and thoughtful. That I'm invested in my emotional and spiritual growth and in order for one to evolve, one must analyze to understand and therefore change. But let's be real. I'm just fucking dwelling. Sometimes it will take me months or years to process something that's happened because I'm just really fucking slow. It'll happen in the tiniest doses on a drive home, late at night when the kids are sleeping, on my lunch break while I'm waiting in the McDonald's drive through. 99% percent of the time, the trigger is a song. It doesn't even have to be a song from that time. Sometimes it's a song I've never heard before. All of the sudden, whatever it was I was dwelling on, the memory or the emotion gets tucked inside a few minutes of melody, suddenly safe and sensible.
This is probably why I consume new music at a ridiculous pace. Why I need mixes. It's how I organize my memories, my thoughts, my emotions.
I probably need a therapist.
Instead, I have Spotify.
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